Who are we

Everything you want to know

Since 2000, Abu Zaad restaurants have pioneered authentic Damascene cuisine in London. A few years later, a second restaurant was opened in Ealing London. This location was chosen in a prime area to expand our business.
We are known among families, business professionals, and large tourist groups looking for authentic Middle Eastern gastronomy. This is because of our exquisite interiors and value creation in Syrian food quality, service, and hygiene. Our vision is to become the number one Syrian and Arabic restaurant in London.
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abuzaad outside shepherd
Since 2000, Abu Zaad shepherd’s bush restaurant has pioneered authentic Damascene cuisine in London. A few years later, a second restaurant was opened in Ealing London. This location was chosen in a prime area to expand our business.
We are known among families, business professionals, and large tourist groups looking for authentic Middle Eastern gastronomy. This is because of our exquisite interiors and value creation in Syrian food quality, service, and hygiene. Our vision is to become the number one Syrian and Arabic restaurant in London.
abuzaad outside shepherd